Member since 28-Oct-07
Visitors 2781
357 photos

Dear visitor,

Welcome to my gallery. My passion for and approach to photography is best expressed by the following quote from Elliott Erwitt.


“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”


Paul van Houdt

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All Photographs


Visitors 61
40 photos
Created 8-Dec-24
Modified 8-Dec-24

City - City scenes

Visitors 29
54 photos
Created 8-Dec-24
Modified 8-Dec-24
City - City scenes

Architecture - Interior

Visitors 18
16 photos
Created 8-Dec-24
Modified 8-Dec-24
Architecture - Interior


Visitors 26
30 photos
Created 8-Dec-24
Modified 8-Dec-24

Landscape - Scenic

Visitors 24
36 photos
Created 8-Dec-24
Modified 8-Dec-24
Landscape - Scenic


Visitors 26
37 photos
Created 6-Dec-24
Modified 6-Dec-24

Black&White - Monochrome

Visitors 27
33 photos
Created 8-Dec-24
Modified 8-Dec-24
Black&White - Monochrome

Graffiti - Street art

Visitors 19
87 photos
Created 7-Dec-24
Modified 7-Dec-24
Graffiti - Street art

Abstract - Artistic

Visitors 24
24 photos
Created 7-Dec-24
Modified 7-Dec-24
Abstract - Artistic